Day 1266, Obamacare and Contraception If you do not support contraception, Basing that on religious objection, Then here’s what…
Day 1265, Hurrah! Hurrah! (1) Trump hopes the bigots rise for him; Hurrah! Hurrah! Not counting on the folks…
Day 1264, Donald’s Intelligence Do 99% of Covid cases cause no harm? (1) Should 99% of Donald’s statements cause…
Day 1262, Happy Birthday, USA (1) Let’s assure Donald Trump He looks great in a mask. If he thinks…
Day 1261, Rejected We might be infected So we were rejected. The EU has told us, we should stay…
Day 1260, “The Virus Will Just Disappear.” Trump has not studied evolution; Covid knows it well. And by its…
Day 1259, Rats Leaving the Sinking Ship Do we see rats jumping off of Trump’s ship? And is Trump’s…
Day 1258, Russian Bounties Did Russia offer to pay bounties to the Taliban, For killing off our soldiers over…
Day 1257, Freedom vs. Responsibility With Covid 19 spreading everyplace, Since masks reduce transmissibility, Does what you don’t or…