Day 779, The Bottomless Pit Getting to the bottom of a bottomless pit, What can our poor Congress do?…
Day 778, Trump’s Policies Trump’s policies are failing And, on almost every front. Administration ailing… Is each project just…
Day 777, Job Openings With Trump? If you’d like to work for Trump And assure that you’ll get paid,…
Day 776, The Levator Ani (look it up) The structure and the function of the anus come to mind,…
Day 775, The Donald’s Garden The Donald worked at CPAC, in his garden for two hours. He fertilized his…
Day 774, Who’s Afraid of AOC? (1) Who is that stealing down your hall? It’s AOC, the socialist. So…
Day 773, Donald, Where’s Your Trousers? (1) I’m president and I’m known to lie. I dye my hair just…
Day 772, Why does Donald believe dictators? Trump took the word of Putin over our intelligence And took the…
Day 771, CPAC The faithful of conservatism, CPAC meets today (1) And their primary mission is: hold AOC at…
Day 770 Today’s the day for mastication: Cohen, Trump, and Kim. Has Trump committed felonies? Did deals with Kim…