Day 588 Arrythmic perturbations, My heart just skipped a tick. I’m feeling palpitations; My low back has a crick. Are…
Day 587 The Donald has been Google-ing and now he’s really mad. The subject searched, himself of course, and…
Day 586 The Porn Star, Playmate, and a Pecker The porn star, Playmate, and a Pecker came into a bar,…
Day 585 America’s disease has struck again. One more mass shooting, twenty eighth, this year. A video game contest for…
Day 583-584 Today we learned that John McCain has died, A warrior, knowing victory and defeat, A man of service,…
When Mister Denisovan encountered Miss Neanderthal A young man from Denisova met Miss Neanderthal. He said, “Come into my…
Day 583 Is it now time to speak of Pence? If Donald is sent packing hence, Then we have to…
Day 582 With jaws of justice clamping tight, And fingers flailing out of fright, The Donald feels the nightmares come,…
Day 581 White House, west wing, panic mode, Staffers rush for the commode, Could Donald Trump have gone too far…
Day 580 Paul Manafort’s convicted; Mike Cohen guilty too. The Tweeter’s thumbs are busy since they’re locking up his crew.…