Day 412 The DOJ is suing states on immigration law. It’s California’s opposition sticking in Jeff’s craw. He wants to…
Day 411 The Donald’s tariff proposition has made quite a stink. Most everyone (some sycophants) are begging him, “Rethink.” But…
Day 410 The jaws of Robert Mueller have clamped on Sam Nunberg’s ‘nads. He was an aide in Trump’s campaign.…
Days 408, 409 Some questions are emerging as Trump’s crew abandons ship And ever more “indictees” tell Bob Mueller they…
Day 407 The Market’s down again today; it first fell yesterday When Trump announced his tariffs and pundits said, “Oy…
Day 406 Republicans are in a quandary on gun control. And that’s because their Congressmen sold their collective soul For…
Day 405 Although the NRA opposes almost everything Reducing gun availability because they cling To guns as idols and gun…
Day 404 Now Admiral Rogers, Intel Chief, told the House Intel group The President did nothing on the Russian hacking…