Day 732, Why Hail the Chief? (Sing to “Hail to the Chief”) Why hail the chief who’s embarrassing the…
Day 731 (Sing to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”) First, BuzzFeed said that Donald told Mike Cohen he…
Day 730 (May be sung to “The Mexican Hat Dance) Mariachi guitars are all strumming. Caravans of brown people…
Day 729, Rudy, one more time. (Sing to Rock of Ages) Giuliani’s latest claim Moved the goalposts in…
Day 728 Is Trump authoritarian or is he Putin’s stooge? We’re sliding downhill on slick ice like an Olympic…
Day 727 First, Trump shut down the government And now, he’s feeling lonely. But he caused this predicament, His…
Day 726, Witting, Unwitting, Half-Witted, Witless. Is Trump a Russian asset? And, if so, is he witting? We cannot…
Day 725, Love Song for Donald and Vladimir (Sing to “Santa Lucia”) Donald loves Vladimir, everyone knows it. Undying…
Day 724, Blue State Ladies (Sing to “Camptown Races” by Stephen Foster) Blue State Ladies take a stand. Hoorah!…
Day 723, a new song Mike Cohen’s gonna testify. Trump fears he’ll tell it all. Mike Cohen’s just the…