YAD VASHEM (A true story.) Two kids in Poland before the World War, Two distant cousins, and yet they…
April 27, Cyclic Air Pollution When we had horse-drawn carriages, the streets were full of horseshit. We cleaned the…
April 26, “Woke” Awareness of desires and needs of others, All humans are our sisters and our brothers, To…
April 25, Churches and Trumpists It seems that some Christian churches now believe in Trump’s Big Lie, That Biden…
April 24, Kevin Caught Lying McCarthy’s been forced to rekiss Donald’s ass For things that he said that were…
April 23, Tanning Your Testicles (1) Your androgen factory acting refractory? Here’s what to do besides just sit and…
April 22, Republican “Facts” Republican states Have higher death rates From politicization of science. With higher death rates, Republican…
April 20, “Don’t Say Gay” (1) In Florida, you can’tell kids of lesbians and gays. The letters, “L,G,B, T,…
April 18, Spring Festivals It’s Passover, Easter, and Ramadan; The Covid pandemic still smolders on, And Russian missiles rain…
April 13, What Should We Do with Vladimir? Whatever must we do with Vladimir To hasten him onto his…