Donald at the Bat – Day 1149, 20 Second Hand Washing Songs (parodies to Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Day 1149, 20 Second Hand Washing Songs


To: Row, Row, Row Your Boat


Wash off Donald Trump;

Wash him down the drain.

Remember November; remember November;

Wash away the stain.


Wash off Donald Trump;

Wash the stain away.

Remember November; remember November;

On election day.


To: Happy Birthday to You


Wash the virus away;

We can’t let Donald stay.

When we get to November,

Then we’ll all have our say.


We all know what to do;

Donald’s worse than the flu.

In the coming election,

We must tell Donald, “Shoo!”


To: I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa’ My Hair (from South Pacific)


Our democracy’s in need of repair.

Let’s wash Donald Trump right outa’ our hair.

Show the emperor has nothing to wear.

Then we’ll all have our say.


Trump’s enabled by his sycophant fans;

Every day his “yes men” circle expands;

So, it’s well past time for washing our hands

To send him on his way.