Donald at the Bat – Day 1145, Donald the Doctor

Day 1145, Donald the Doctor


With the markets in a spiral,

Donald Trump is going viral.

With the crap that Donald feeds us,

How is it that he still leads us?

Donald’s tweets about the virus

Are like twerks by Miley Cyrus.

Though there is some stimulation,

There’s damn little information.


Trump’s a genius, “very stable,”

Which, he tells us, means he’s able,

Using all his natural talents,

To keep everything in balance.

And, this is the most “verkochte,”  (1)

Donald could have been a “doctah.”

To Trump, all this just comes natural.

(Just leave out the stuff that’s factual.)


Now we’re in an epidemic,

Worldwide spread, a real pandemic.

Every day, a new statistic,

Markets sink, Trump goes ballistic.

It will take more than Svengali

To get us out of Death Valley.

Ignoranus and a liar,

Will Trump light our funeral pyre?


(1)  Verkochte, Yiddish expression for FUBAR, according to Rabbi Jason Miller.