August 29, PO1135809

He’s P01135809,
Trump’s Georgia booking number: huge headline.
His mugshot is, to some, just comical;
For others though, it’s economical.

Trump turned his mugshot into merchandise,
On T shirts at a quite inflated price.
And Never Trumpers make T shirts as well;
The image, public property to sell.

The mugshot is iconic for Trump’s cult,
A sign of suffering and grave insult.
Not quite a crucifix but nonetheless,
A sign their savior’s suffering great stress.

As PO1135809,
Trump has been counseled not to undermine
His case, which means he needs to shut his trap,
For judges will not put up with his crap.

But Donald Trump still goes on the attack.
So, who will be the first judge to smack back?
Attacks by tweet risk jail time or a fine
For PO1135809.

Trump’s 1-6 trial date has now been set.
It’s March, next year and that makes Donald sweat.
A jury will then tell us what they think
And Donald may be sentenced to the clink.

Will that sink Donald’s chance to win again
And grant him absolution for all sin?
The answer’s, “No;” his Fulton County case
Is something that the Feds cannot erase.

So, PO1135809
May sit in jail and wish for Auld Lang Syne,
Of lying, business cheating, and porn stars,
When none of it was risking prison bars.