April 6, Trial Awaits  (Parody to “Red River Valley”)

April 6, Trial Awaits  (Sing to “Red River Valley”) (1)


From the seaside they say you are leaving,

For New York where your trial awaits.

Margie Greene and your whole base are grieving

But they’re cheering in all the Blue States.


You still have a base that sends you money.

They won’t hasten to bid you adieu.

For a while then, your prospects look sunny

But you ought to watch out whom you screw.


Do you feel that there’s no one to love you?

You just scowl and can’t manage a smile.

For a huge anvil hangs just above you,

Which will fall on your head in a while.


You’re back home to fund-raising and tweeting.

Lindsay Graham will help with your scam.

For he’s on TV sobbing and bleating

To defend your “wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.”


  • Marty Robbins and Gene Autry recorded different versions of “Red River Valley.” Marty uses the second verse as a chorus.  Gene Autry does not.

You are free to choose.