In 1776, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men…
The Donald can’t keep his mouth shut and just can’t keep from lying.He’s heated his own griddle up and soon…
Now Adam Schiff’s been censured by the House Republicans.He wasn’t nice to Trump, who used to lead Americans.He prosecuted Donald…
I’m crazy.Could I plead “insane” at my trials?Plead crazy?Would you let me off if I do?You all know I started…
Emancipation Proclamation: 1863, (1)The CSA ignored that Lincoln set all their slaves free.They had to be defeated in a bloody…
He shakes my nerves and he rattles my brain;My lawyer says I should plead insane.A bitter pill, (won’t pay his…
“Three Stars” (1) came marching from the South; John Gibbon from the West;While “Long Hair’s” (2) men rode from the…
Onward, you misogynist, Southern Baptist males,No more female preachers, bigotry prevails.Christ, our royal Master, was both God and man.Women, as…
Donald Trump, the spoiled brat,Is afraid someone will ratOn the crimes that he cooked up;That’s what’s got him all shook…
And now, arraignment’s here But I don’t fear a final curtain. For I’ve done nothing wrong, My whole life long,…