June 18, Trump’s Balls Are On Fire (parody to ‘Great Balls of Fire’)

He shakes my nerves and he rattles my brain;
My lawyer says I should plead insane.
A bitter pill, (won’t pay his bill,)
Goodness, gracious, my balls are on fire.

Liberals think that my indictment is funny;
I laugh at them, ‘cause it helps me raise money.
Jack’s out of line; those boxes, mine!
Goodness, gracious, my options look dire.

Well, kiss my tuchus: ooh, feels good. (2)
Jack Smith nuked us;
Give me back my papers like you know you should.
All mine, so fine,
And I’ll tell the world that they’re mine, mine, mine…

I chew my nails and then I twiddle my thumbs.
I’m not nervous, ‘cause my base is dumb.
Future’s hazy; it drives me crazy,
Goodness, gracious, my huevos on fire.
Well, kiss my tuchus: ooh, feels good.
Jack Smith nuked us.
Give me back my papers like you know you should.
Divine design.
God told me to tell you that they’re mine, mine, mine.

I chew my nails and then I twiddle my thumbs.
I’m not nervous, ‘cause my base is dumb.
Upsy daisy, should I plead, “crazy”?
Goodness, gracious, my balls are on fire.

(1) Sing to “Great Balls of Fire,” by Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer, 1957. Jerry Lee Lewis had a number one hit with it. Now imagine Donald Trump at the piano singing this about Jack Smith.
(2) “Tuchus,” is the Yiddish term for “buttocks” or “ass.” The “ch” is pronounced like a “k.”