March 31, Investigate and Prosecute  (parody to: Onward! Christian Soldiers)

March 31, Investigate and Prosecute  (Sing to: Onward! Christian Soldiers)


Merrick Garland’s DOJ must investigate.

Donald’s insurrection’s worse than Watergate.

Donald and his strategists all belong in jail.

They should be arrested and remanded without bail.

Donald and his planners should be doing prison time,

Everyone in Donald’s family of crime.


Could Trump plead insanity after all he’s done,

And admit he’s crazy to believe he won?

Donald, as a narcissist, can’t accept defeat.

If Joe Biden got more votes, we know he had to cheat.

If Trump really thinks he won, does that prove he’s insane?

Would such a defense hurt Donald’s next campaign?


What does Putin have on Trump that makes Donald choose

Anal osculation, as seen on the news?

Donald kisses Putin’s ass, publically each day.

Does he have to?  Does he like to?  Neither one will say.

What is Putin’s hold on Trump that Donald can’t escape?

Does Trump owe him money?  Is there a pee tape?