July 11, It Is Vaccination (1)

July 11, It Is Vaccination (parody to ‘Fascination’)


It is vaccination, we know,

That could have kept Covid 19 from spreading.

Just a little poke and no one will croak

And we can go on our way, without fretting.


It is vaccination, we know,

And not prayer alone to the Lord way up high.

Just roll up your sleeve; in a moment it’s over;

Get the shot and you won’t die.


(Instrumental break)


It is vaccination, we know,

Not what anti-vaxxers and Fox News may say.

Donald took the shot; why not let that convince you?

Vaccination is the way.


  • From “Fascination,” 1904-05 by Marchetti and de Feraudy. English lyrics by Dick Manning.  Well known recordings by Dinah Shore and Nat King Cole.