January 31, Donald Trump Losing His Mind (Sing to Red River Valley)

Pundits say that Trump’s mind is now leaving;
What he says is word salad nonsense.
And it’s getting much worse than his bullshit.
Might he soon be housed at state expense?

Come and sit by my side; let us reason
And agree to bid Donald adieu.
Is he slipping down toward dementia,
With the bills for his sins coming due?

From the courts where he’s losing his cases,
He comes out just to bluster and fume.
Is he maddened that penury’s coming,
And that women have hastened his doom?


Is his mind swinging off of its hinges,
As he blithers and blathers each day?
Are his cognitive powers declining,
And his neurons all starting to fray?


We’ll now see if his base will stick with him.
They’ve supported his lies in the past.
Will they recognize he’s losing voltage
And his wattage is declining fast?

Come and sit by my side; let us reason
And agree to bid Donald adieu.
Is he slipping down toward dementia,
With the bills for his sins coming due?