January 14, Trump’s Supporters

The death threats made by Donald’s crowd
Loom over this year’s race.
The threats they make, online, out loud,
Speak volumes on Trump’s base.

If you’re a state AG or judge,
Or countywide DA,
A trial of Trump provokes a grudge;
Death threats will come your way.

Some Trump supporters like to SWAT:
New Trumpist protocols.
The perpetrators rarely caught,
In these false shooter calls.

On 1-6 they were violent;
Now those folks are in jail.
The rest, remaining truculent,
Still grumble, curse and wail.

A Trumpist evangelical
Defines a “hypocrite.”
Trump says he’ll be tyrannical;
They’re happy to submit.

Their “savior” does not kneel to pray;
Just money is his god.
To Donald, they are easy prey,
Because they buy his fraud.

Trump’s mindless, violent support,
Seems to be holding strong.
If Trump’s convicted in a court,
Will they still go along?

Trump threatens our democracy;
His MAGAts do not mind.
Does this suggest stupidity?
They are not deaf and blind.