Donald at the Bat – Day 739, Standing on the Promises of Trump (parody of hymn ‘Standing on the Promises of God’)

Day 739, Standing on the Promises of Trump (1)


Standing on the promises that Donald made,

Though we know he lies a lot, we have not strayed.

In our book, the Donald gets a passing grade.

Standing on the promises of Trump.



Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of Trump our leader.

Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of Trump.


Standing on the promises of one who lies

Is a risky business, say you liberal guys.

Donald is God’s messenger in strange disguise.

Standing on the promises of Trump.




Donald told us all that he would build a wall.

Democrats like crime and drugs, so they will stall.

But, we’re staying faithful to our master’s call,

Standing on the promises of Trump.




Donald tells us all that he did not collude.

“The Dossier” is Fake News and it’s really lewd.

Saying Donald kisses Putin’s ass is crude.

Standing on the promises of Trump.



Scientists say global warming is a threat.

Trump does not believe it and he says, “No sweat.”

Though the ocean’s rising we’re not drowning yet.

Standing on the promises of Trump.


Standing, standing,

Standing on the promises of Trump, our leader.

Swimming, swimming,

Swimming in a sea of lies with Trump.


(1)  Standing on the Promises of God, by Russell Kelso Carter, 1886