Donald at the Bat – Day 1386, Counting All the Votes (parody to ‘Bringing in the Sheaves)

Day 1386, Counting All the Votes (1)


We have finished voting,

Lots of votes by mailing,

Who will be elected,

When we count the votes?

There’s no sugar coating;

Donald may be failing;

He may be rejected,

When we count the votes.



Counting all the votes,

Counting all the votes,

Who will be elected,

When we count the votes?

Counting all the votes,

Counting all the votes,

Who will be rejected,

When we count the votes?


Look at Pennsylvania;

Donald’s lead is shrinking;

Biden’s total growing,

As we count the votes.

Donald’s egomania,

Goaded, just by thinking,

Ill winds may be blowing,

As we count the votes.


Chorus:  Counting all the votes….


It’s a real nail-biter;

Donald Trump is stewing;

He will try impeding

Counting all the votes.

It could not be tighter;

Donald Trump is suing;

States where he is leading

Must count no more votes.

Chorus:  Counting all the votes….


Donald is maintaining

Counting votes is cheating;

He’s for terminating

Counting all the votes.

Donald is complaining

In misleading tweeting;

He may need sedating

While we count the votes.



Counting all the votes,

Counting all the votes,

Who will be elected

When we count the votes?

Counting all the votes,

Counting all the votes,

Who will be rejected,

When we count the votes?


  1. May be sung to, “Bringing in the Sheaves.”  Many versions abound on the internet.