Donald at the Bat – Day 1142, Coronavirus

Day 1142, Coronavirus 


Coronavirus crowned our would-be king.

Since coronation, Trump’s been bumbling.

He knows no science, knows no medicine

And we can tell when he’s dissembling.


Trump knows no science, knows no medicine.

Is pestilence a punishment for sin?

Trump does not seek nor take expert advice

But this disease is something Trump can’t spin.


Trump does not seek nor take expert advice;

His ignorance and bullshit won’t suffice.

We don’t know how far this disease will spread,

The sampling so far, too small a slice.


We don’t know how far this disease will spread.

We know we can’t rely on what Trump said.

We do not know the virus’ prevalence

But, every morning, we learn of more dead.


We do not know the virus’ prevalence

And Trump keeps contradicting evidence.

What bothers him is markets going down.

For Donald, that’s the price of pestilence.


What bothers Trump is markets going down,

And voters that might run him out of town.

Trump knows no science, knows no medicine

And now wears the coronavirus crown.