August 14, No Reinstatement Blues

August 14, No Reinstatement Blues


I woke up this morning, no new president.

Bad news for the Donald, no reinstatement.

He tried insurrection; we all know that failed.

Now facing indictment, Trump just might be jailed.


The Pillow Guy promised I’d have sweeter dreams,

If I would believe in all Trump’s crazy schemes.

And QAnon promised salvation for all,

But their prophet, Donald, lost badly last fall.


Chorus:  I got the Donald Trump reality blues.

Donald’s reinstatement, just another ruse.

With the DOJ now tightening the screws,

I am getting the “No Reinstatement Blues.”


Now Covid is raging; it’s a Chinese plot.

In spite of the death toll, I won’t get a shot.

Won’t wear a mask either, admit I was wrong,

Although my next dwelling may be six feet long.


Chorus:  I got the Donald Trump reality blues…