August 15, The Apocalypse

August 15, The Apocalypse


We now have earthquakes, hellfire, pestilence, and war,

And hurricanes and floods; we can’t take any more.

Have humans been poor stewards of our spaceship, Earth?

And is our Homo sapiens rotten to the core?


Have humans been poor stewards of our spaceship, Earth?

Is Mother Nature fed up with man’s greedy girth?

Read the Bible story of Noah and the ark;

If God’s adding fire now, can there be rebirth?


Read the Bible story of Noah and the ark.

But now there’s no rescue ship on which to embark.

And there is no Planet B: Earth our only home.

Does that mean our stewardship earned a failing mark?


We know of no Planet B: Earth our only home,

And the only life we know, under heaven’s dome.

And now, the earthquakes, hellfire, pestilence, and war

May put all of mankind six feet beneath the loam.