August 12, Onward, Delta Variants  ((May be sung to Onward, Christian Soldiers)

August 12, Onward, Delta Variants  ((May be sung to Onward, Christian Soldiers)


Onward, Delta variants, marching as to war,

With its loyal allies, Donald Trump’s hard core.

Governor DeSantis, so belligerent,

Governor Greg Abbott: Covid thinks they’re heaven sent.

Onward, Delta variants, set free to replicate

By the Trumpist base, who will not vaccinate.


Greg and Ron say local schools can’t mandate a mask;

To make our schools safer is too much to ask.

They say parents must decide.  When will liberals learn

That our public health should not be government’s concern?

Onward, Delta variants, uncovered noses wait

And they’re mostly on those who won’t vaccinate.


We know Greg and Ron aspire to a White House run;

They’ll give voters freedom, as Trump would have done.

Though their voters die like flies, they must be left free

To endanger everybody; Trump’s base will agree.

Hospitals are overflowing; they can hold no more.

Suicidal freedom in the Covid war.