April 14, Stay Out of My Womb!

April 14, Stay Out of My Womb!


Get off of my back; stay out of my womb,

Or you will find that I will have no room

For you and your erections in my bed.

My body is mine; it is mine alone;

My uterus: not an organ you own,

So get thoughts of control out of your head.


You may not tell me which babies to bear,

Especially when you will not care

For babies born from rape and from incest.

If you think that sex should be a man’s perk;

That you may have fun, leave me with the work,

Then do not think you’ll ever be my guest.


A right wing judge, who was swinging his axe,

Just threw out decades of data and facts,

All proving Mifepristone to be safe.

What’s coming next?  Contraceptives all banned?

Is that what our evangelicals planned?

Do their “rabbis” rule sex for pleasure traif? (1)

For pregnancy, shall religion-stained law

Now overrule science as we just saw?

Will medicine be governed by the church?

Should a woman’s egg, once it’s fertilized,

Have a right to birth and to be baptized?

That’s nowhere in the Bible when you search.


Should reproduction be a woman’s choice?

To give birth or not?  Who should have a voice?

Should we let religious zealots command?

If their reproductive choice is denied,

Shouldn’t all women together decide,

Horny right wingers must use their own hand?


  • Traif or treyf, is a transliteration of a Yiddish word basically meaning anything that is not kosher according to Jewish law.