October 30, Portrait of a Man

Oh, look! It’s prisoner 01135809,
That’s Donald’s mugshot photo…now his freedom’s on the line.
He’s six feet three? And two fifteen? A model of a man!
(With combed over bleached blonde hair and an orange, bottled tan.)

Now, almost everybody knows that Donald is a fraud;
But strangely, his supporters are not just his bigot squad.
For QAnon and Christians give to Trump their strong support,
Support that’s been increasing now that he’s hauled into court.

Trump first lost re-election, after that, stirred up 1-6;
His businesses in New York are a bag of dirty tricks;
He kept top secret documents and then lied about that;
And told us he is muscular when we all see he’s fat.

Now, while the world is burning, Trump’s hauled into several courts.
The statements he makes every day set fire to his shorts.
And, judges have been fining him for all the threats he makes;
With flipping co-conspirators admitting their “mistakes.”

The kissing of the Donald’s ass has now ground to a halt;
Does Donald realize that this is all his own damn fault?
Well, that seems quite unlikely, for he transfers all the blame
To judges, courts, and witnesses, his pants consumed in flame.

Now Donald stands in deep doo doo, which he himself has made,
As he’s held to account to pay a price he’s never paid.
And, Trump knows if he does not win election the next Fall,
Then finally the world may see the Donald’s empire fall.