February 1, The Power Games

The power games are in full swing and Donald’s going nuts.
The Senate has been asked to judge the Donald Triple Klutz. (1)
When Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, and RFK perform,
Then everybody watching sees they’re way below the norm.

White Christians, a minority, want to control us all.
They do not want diversity and Donald hears their call.
In Trump’s departments, there will be no day for MLK,
Or any non-White Christian male, no month or special day. (2)

Trump files a lot of lawsuits and then settles (for a bribe.)
That is the way our billionaires show him they’re in his tribe.
They think their bribes assure that Trump will let their mergers pass. (3)
That’s how our rich folks kneel; they use big checks to kiss Trump’s ass.

Trump says that Mexico and Canada will feel the heat
Of tariffs on all products, causing worries on Wall Street.
Trump’s doing it to stop illegal migrants; is this wise?
Economists warn this will make consumer prices rise.

Did Donald pay attention in his economics class?
He says he went to Wharton; if that’s true, did Donald pass? (4)
He should know prices will go up as tariffs start to bite.
Will Trump’s base voters all kowtow or will they want to fight?

So, Donald’s first two weeks in office leave jaws hanging slack.
Non-whites and migrants, other countries, subject to attack.
Undocumented folks arrested, criminal or not.
Is causing chaos and disruption Donald Trump’s main thought?

(1) The Triple Lutz jump in ice skating was named after Alois Lutz, an Austrian skater, who first performed it in 1913. It is one of the most difficult jumps. If this is a bad pun, I apologize.
(2) Several Federal Agencies have issued orders to stop observing MLK Day, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Juneteenth, LGBTQ Pride Month, Holocaust Remembrance Day, etc. 11 observances in all.
(3) Meta has already settled one suit by Donald over kicking him off Facebook because of his role in the January 6 insurrection. Paramount, owner of CBS, is considering settling another, otherwise meritless suit about how CBS edited an interview with Kamala Harris. They hope that Trump will then let them go through with a big merger that they’re planning.
(4) Trump says he went to the “Wharton School of Finance.” He went to the University of Pennsylvania as an undergrad but did not ever go to the Wharton School of Economics (affiliated with U Penn) as a graduate student. His record as an undergraduate was apparently undistinguished since he has forbidden U Penn from releasing his grades.