December 14, Winter Solstice Festivals

December 14, Winter Solstice Festivals


We know lots of gods with birthdays in December,

As the sun is fading to a dying ember.

Festivals arose with lights and songs and prayers,

And, with mumbo jumbo by costumed soothsayers.

All the prayers have worked; to push the sun up higher

Leading, six months later, to hot summer fire.


Mithra, Zoroaster, Saturn and Christ Jesus:

All of them had birthdays when the North winds freeze us.

Many gods abounded for our veneration,

In the ceremonies of each different nation.

And it did not matter, how the prayers were spoken;

Their string of successes has yet to be broken.



So, raise your glasses high and sing with lusty voice,

“Happy Solstice Festivals!  You may take your choice.


But when science learned of Earth’s rotation leaning,

Then the Winter Solstice slowly changed its meaning.

Since mankind had learned the Earth’s axis was tilted,

Powers of some gods were noticeably wilted.

It’s our axis tilt that’s rotating the seasons;

Atheists now feast; for science gives them reasons.



So raise your glasses high and quaff the bubbly booze.

Happy Solstice Festivals!  We’re all free to choose.


But Jesus still survives, and his Christmas birthday.

Merchants celebrate it; it’s their biggest payday.

On Christmas Eve, it’s church, (for Jews: Chinese dining.)

(Hanukkah, at home, with festive candles shining.)

If you just watch football, spring is still returning.

The spring will still arrive without candles burning.



So raise your glasses high and sing with lusty voice,

Happy Solstice Festivals!  You may take your choice.

And raise your glasses high and quaff the bubbly booze.

Happy Solstice Festivals!  You are free to choose.