April 25, Tucker Is Out (1)
Tucker Carlson’s fired from Fox,
Not because he spread the “pox.” (2)
Tucker cost Fox lots of cash,
A deep gash in Rupert’s stash.
So Fox slayed its sacred cow;
Tucker’s out, effective now.
Tucker fostered Donald’s lies
And we heard him elegize
Putin’s venture in Ukraine,
Firmly in the Russian lane.
Acting like a Russian stooge,
Openly, not subterfuge.
Tucker used to earn big bucks,
First among the Fox News schmucks.
No retirement fond farewell,
Rupert tossed him down a well.
Now what will poor Tucker do?
Wages for his sins came due.
No one thinks that Tucker’s nice;
Hostile workplace: here’s the price.
Lost his job and being sued:
Tucker is both crude and rude.
Anti woman, Semite, black,
Tucker’s “others” now punch back.
Tucker Carlson had to go
And without a final show.
Where else can he shepherd sheep?
Damn few folks were seen to weep.
His coworkers’ farewell toast:
“Sad to see you go—-almost.”
Fox News’ troubles are not done;
Rather, they have just begun.
Lawsuits bash their battlements,
Seeking higher settlements.
Who else was a Russian stooge?
Aprés Tucker, le déluge? (3)
- Sing to “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
- In the 1500s in Europe, the Great Pox was syphilis, in contrast to the Smallpox. Pick your favorite.
- “Aprés moi, le déluge,” “After me, the flood,” attributed to Louis XV of France. It indicated that he did not give a “merde” what happened after he was gone.