Your Karma is when “chickens come home to roost.”
It may augur good fate or may augur bad.
Your Karma is what your behavior produced.
If you have been rotten, your karmic note pad
Will have lots of entries that show you’re a jerk.
Although, what you should earn is not ironclad.
True justice in Karma does not always work.
We know that we sometimes see schmucks dying rich.
But we’re still recorded by our karmic clerk.
So, let’s say you know you’re a son of a bitch
And intend to keep screwing your fellow man,
You might find you drove your life into a ditch.
There are many examples since time began
And Dante’s “Inferno” describes different fates. (2)
It’s clear Dante thought there is some karmic plan.
One wonders what Karma for Donald awaits.
Will he, in November, go down to defeat?
To lose is a concept that Donald Trump hates.
So, let’s say this Fall, that Trump once more gets beat,
Gets beat by a woman who’s also mixed race.
Just think of the crow Donald will have to eat.
We know Trump is bigoted regarding race.
And Donald treats women like they’re second class.
Now Kamala’s Karma stares Trump in the face.
A man who thinks women are all second class
Is now facing one who will hand him his ass. (3)
(1) “Karma,” from Sanskrit, refers to the ancient Indian concept of the fate that you earn for your next life by your behavior in this life.
(2) Dante Alighieri, ca 1265-1321, was born in Florence and is credited with establishing the Tuscan dialect as the modern Italian language in his monumental work, “La Divina Commedia” (The Divine Comedy.) It describes the journey of his soul through the afterlife: “Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.” (Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.) He composed it from about 1308 to 1321, and published it just before his death. He also invented the rhyme scheme, Terza Rima, (aba, bcb, cdc, ded, etc.) in which each line has 11 syllables. The scheme serves to link the triplets into the narrative. A section usually ends with a rhymed couplet. When I was 19, I had the privilege of studying in Florence and learning to read La Divina Commedia in the original Italian.
(3) Dante’s Inferno comprises nine circles of punishment. It might be interesting to look them up and discuss which of the circles Trump might best deserve. He qualifies for several.