It’s easier to fool someone than show them they’ve been fooled. (1)
Is that why ardor in Trump’s MAGAtry has never cooled?
The Trump campaign is founded almost totally on lies.
But Trumpists still bow to an idol sane folks should despise.
This is a problem for a Doctor of Psychology.
Does worship of the Donald mean mental pathology?
Trump worship is defended just like some religious creed.
Disciples’ loyalty survives his every word and deed.
They all call Trump their savior, just like he was Jesus Christ.
They buy all sorts of crap from him, although it’s overpriced.
And some believe his lies about black immigrants are true.
(They’ll eat your pets, they’re murderous, and next they’ll come for you.)
Trump charges that our migrants hamper hurricane relief,
That FEMA gave them all their money, causing white folks’ grief.
There’s not a word of truth in any charges Donald made,
But Trumpists seem to swallow all the sewage Donald sprayed.
Dictators always find a scapegoat on whom to cast blame.
First, Adolf Hitler chose the Jews, now in the Trump blame game,
It’s immigrants, both black and brown, in search of amnesty,
From violence in their failed states, that bear Trump’s cruelty.
Most MAGAts say they’re Christians; ask them, “What would Jesus do?”
“Trump is no Good Samaritan; why is devotion due?”
But polling’s very close in this year’s presidential race,
Since MAGAts all believe his lies. What’s wrong with Donald’s base?
Is Trump’s appeal his “character,” his anger, not his “facts,”
His obstinance when facing “truth,” as he gives “facts” the axe?
Does his base like denying facts that they want to ignore?
Does seeing Donald doing that, make all their spirits soar?
Our country needs a doctor, but of mob psychology,
Someone to help us understand perverse theology.
The Trumpists have a sickness and, so far, we have no cure.
But it’s a sickness that democracy cannot endure.
(1) Attributed to Mark Twain