October 6, Trump’s Going Nuts

Poor Donald Trump is going nuts
And that requires “ifs, ands, and buts,”
From those who say they’ll stick with him,
For all can see his glow grow dim.

Sick narcissist: there is no doubt
That there’s no standard Trump won’t flout,
Should he take reins of government,
While we all watch his mind fragment.

He cannot speak a paragraph,
Stick to a script prepared by staff,
His speech, word salad, mixed and tossed,
Shows daily, his dementia’s cost.

Trump will appoint his sycophants
And followers with flaming pants,
To lead and staff each agency,
Establishing autocracy.

If we allow an autocrat,
Our history books all tell us that
A revolution’s sure to come,
Mob violence and martial drum.

Think back to Hitler’s Germany;
Recall the Nazi infamy,
That threw the whole world into war,
A holocaust and cannon’s roar.

Democracy may come apart
If “small d” democrats lose heart
And don’t stand up to Donald’s threat.
There’s history we can’t forget.

“These are the times that try men’s souls.” (1)
We all know, “for whom the bell tolls.” (2)
Get off your couch and cast your vote!
Or else, this may be “all she wrote.” (3)

(1) Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, December 1776.
(2) “Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”
John Donne, For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1624.
(3) The origin of the phrase, “That’s all she wrote,” meaning, “there’s no more to say or that something has ended,” is uncertain. It gained popularity in the USA in the 1940s.