October 12, It Isn’t Just Age

Trump is demented at seventy-eight
While Ringo’s performing at eighty-four. (1)
Trump’s word salad speech is his telling trait;
His mind has stopped working; worse is in store.

Mick Jagger’s still rolling at eighty-one. (2)
And he even looks like he’s having fun.
Donald’s just rambling and whining his lies;
Kamala’s been cutting him down to size.

Willie’s still singing and at ninety years! (3)
Trump can’t speak clearly; it’s plain to all ears.
The press pointed out Joe Biden’s speech flaws.
Why should Trump’s blithering still win applause?

Why is Trump “sane washed” by folks in the press?
Just listen to him; his mind is a mess.
His mind is impaired, perhaps not from age.
Some kind of dementia? Though early stage?

Whatever it is, it’s cause for alarm.
Why do his followers march arm in arm?
If he gets in office, chaos will reign.
Trump will hit “enemies,” raining down pain.

He’ll try to establish autocracy.
He wants to leave that as his legacy.
Inspired by Xi, Orban, and Vladimir,
He’ll slay democracy; MAGAts will cheer.

For any office, it’s clear Trump’s unfit.
As his disease worsens, we must admit
Trump in the White House? A risk we can’t take.
Why would we elect a felon fruitcake?

(1) Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles
(2) Mick Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones
(3) Willie Nelson, country music legend