August 27, Projection

Steve Bannon and Kashyap Patel
Say Donald will attack the Press.
The Press makes Donald Trump’s life hell,
Which Trump’s revenge team will address.

Projecting their own sins on those
Exposing crimes that they commit,
They view the Press as evil foes,
Whose lies and crimes they must admit.

The problem Steve and Kash both share:
The Press and DOJ are right.
Trump’s treatment by the Press is fair,
When they bring fraudulence to light.

By threatening to take revenge
On those who’ve shown that Trump’s a crook,
Projection’s raving on a binge,
Pathology, an open book.

Projection in psychology
Refers to when someone assigns,
(As a defensive strategy,)
A quality which one maligns.

Projecting one’s own quality,
That one claims an opponent shows,
We know fits Donald to a “T.”
And vengeful ideation grows.

To Kash Patel, Trump is the one,
For whom he would both kill and die,
To right-wing Christians’ father, son,
Who must regain his throne on high,

Therefore, all Trumpists now believe
It is non-Trumpists who are flawed.
There’ll be no granting of reprieve,
To those who crucified their god.