As Trump appeals his fraud conviction, he claims the wrong law
Was used to charge for business fraud, a legalistic flaw.
He isn’t claiming innocence, that he did not commit
The deeds the AG charged, for which he’s now mired in deep shit.
He says there were no victims from his style of business fraud.
(And therefore, he should be left free to cheat and to maraud.)
The AG says New York was cheated out of tax receipts. (1)
The jury was unanimous; we all lose when Trump cheats.
Now Donald owes the state almost a half a billion bucks
For years of business fraud assuming we are all dumb schmucks.
Will paying off his fines in full sink Trump to penury?
Will we discover Donald’s “wealth” was mostly trumpery?
Is Trump’s whole lifestyle one huge fraud, which New York has exposed?
Will New York’s emperor of fraud now find himself deposed?
We know that Donald’s business style is not to pay his bills.
Will an appeals court let him off, condoning sordid skills?
In law, the truth will sometimes bow to technicality.
Slick lawyering may even overcome reality.
And Trump knows how to work the courts for his own benefit.
His strategy: delay, appeal, and pick at every nit.
Trump owes a half a billion bucks, (that judgement on appeal.)
Is there a legal reason to let Donald wheel and deal?
Will Donald be held to account for his career of sleaze?
Will courts do the right thing and finally treat the Trump disease?
If Trump is not held to account, then what do our laws mean?
Are our laws just suggestions, papers used in Trump’s latrine?
While Donald Trump’s on trial, now the laws and courts are too.
To deal with Donald coats us all with grimy residue.
(1) Letitia James, Attorney General of New York state.