The FBI says crime is down;
Trump claims a huge crime wave.
Since Trump’s a liar of renown,
Why trust in such a knave?
The numbers say that murders fell
In twenty twenty-three.
But Trump says that we roast in hell
With migrants running free.
What Trump has claimed is just not true.
All facts show otherwise.
There’s nothing Trump can’t misconstrue.
When his lips move, he lies.
While crimes of violence decreased,
(That’s what the data say,)
Trump tells his fans that crime increased,
(Dementia on display?)
Since nothing Trump claims is correct,
Why cast your vote for him?
His old supporters now defect,
So, why not follow them?
So many, who worked for the Don,
Who’ve had a real close look,
Are warning us, now that they’re gone;
“Please, don’t vote for this crook.”
Trump’s motive is that he’s aggrieved,
Which fuels his campaign.
Why are his followers deceived?
They can’t all be insane.
So, given Donald’s history
Of proven crime and grift,
The right course is no mystery;
Trump must be cast adrift.