September 20, Trump and Chaos

Donald’s trying to create chaos again,
By telling MAGAts to shut government down.
For, Donald still fancies himself as kingpin,
The GOP acts like he still wears the crown.

The funding of government will run out soon;
A continuing resolution must pass.
But Trump said, “Don’t pass it,” his usual tune,
Which dumped his whole party into a morass.

The Donald sows chaos wherever he goes;
Good order and reason are not Donald’s style.
He’ll punch all his “enemies” right in the nose.
And who are his enemies? Those not servile.

Here’s what we may conclude from all the reports,
A mixed-race woman’s beating Trump in this race,
So, there is some “order” that Donald supports:
It’s keeping women and blacks in their place.

Both Donald and JD use black immigrants
And their falsehoods about them in this campaign.
Their lies are amplified by Trump’s sycophants.
They all know Trump’s lying but stay on his train.

Now, it’s Haitian “pet eaters” that dominate;
Trump knows that’s all wrong but goes on anyway.
All dictators need scapegoats to castigate;
Hitler used Jews; Haitians serve Trump today.

To ancient Greeks, khaos was the abyss. (1)
Just like tohu, v’bohu, to ancient Jews. (2)
(The term’s undefinable, in Genesis.)
Like Yahweh, Trump thinks it’s a state he can use.

So, Donald spreads chaos, wherever he goes.
When truth has no meaning, one can’t say he lies.
But, when Trump is speaking, if you use your nose,
A fecal aroma is sure to arise.

(1) The original meaning of khaos, in Greek, was a “void, an abyss, nothingness.” Our word, “chaos,” is now used primarily to describe disorder.
(2) In Genesis 1:2, the Revised Standard Version of the Bible translates the Hebrew, tohu v’bohu, as “without form and void.” When God began creating, He did not start with “nothing.” Rather the starting material was impossible to define.