Poor Donald Trump is fighting his own “enemy within.”
His mind is getting foggier, his thoughts a jumbled din.
And, as he wanders in his fog, he can’t control his speech.
One wonders, during Covid, if he really drank some bleach.
Now daily, we hear Donald spouting frank vulgarities.
Is this a sign of dying cognitive capacities?
He said that Kamala has been a “shit” vice-president, (1)
Diminishing vocabulary sadly evident.
Trump said that, in his trials, Harvey Weinstein has been “schlonged.” (2)
And Trump, a fellow sex abuser, feels he too, was wronged.
He tells us about Arnie’s penis, which shows Trump is sick. (3)
Though Palmer had a bigger penis, Trump’s a bigger dick.
Vulgarity, word salad speech, a mind that’s in decline,
Descending to incompetence, Trump’s clearly crossed the line.
Trump’s brain misfires at nearly every neuronal synapse.
To put a mind like that in charge invites complete collapse.
We can’t say that we didn’t know; the evidence is clear.
We can’t ignore the obvious, the cost will be too dear.
As Donald is unravelling, his voters go along,
Imagining a candidate with sound mind and big schlong.
Trump names his enemies for us: Pelosi, Schiff, et al,
And CBS might lose its license if Trump wins this Fall.
Trump claimed he won in 2020; now says it again.
Continuing delusions are Trump’s “enemy within.”
Vulgarity and penis envy are suggestive signs
That Donald’s mind is in decay and daily more unwinds.
Trump’s running only for himself and to stay out of jail.
Democracy is under threat. Will it survive or fail?
(1) Campaign speech, October 19.
(2) Podcast, commenting on the sex abuser, Harvey Weinstein. 10-18. “Schlong” is a Yiddish word with the same connotation as “dick” in English. It comes from the German word, Schlang, which means, “snake.”
(3) Campaign speech, October 19.