January 15, Armageddon?

To fires, floods, and pestilence,
Did God add Donald Trump?
Does that provide more evidence
God’s cast us in the dump?

Does Armageddon start this way,
Disasters all at once?
Before the coming Judgement Day,
Assaulted on all fronts?

Could God on High be through with us;
Does He think that He failed?
Is God on High just nauseous?
Is that why we’re assailed?

Are we a failed experiment,
Consumed by sin and vice?
A blot on the whole firmament,
Polluting paradise?

Is Donald Trump a lightning rod,
To spark the fires below,
Informing Satan, the Lord God
Decreed we all must go?

Some acolytes think Trump was sent
To punish liberal sin,
That all must kneel and give assent,
Though much to our chagrin.

To fires, floods and pestilence,
Is Trump the final curse?
With turbulence and fraudulence,
Can God be that perverse?