Except for his new office, Trump is unemployable.
It’s not that most of Donald’s speech is simply full of bull,
His sex abuse, his tax fraud, and his criminality
Are flashing red lights warning of unsuitability.
That’s not to say he’s qualified to be the President.
But Donald’s past, for Trumpists, was not much impediment.
The Trump base, largely uninformed, just did not seem to care
That Donald is a fraud and crook. Or are they unaware?
To run for President, you only must be native-born
And thirty-five years old: that’s all, before you may be sworn.
Trump’s past of criminality, bankruptcy, business fraud:
Criteria of no import, for those who think he’s God.
We know Trump isn’t well-informed and he’s a narcissist.
So, Donald thinks he knows it all, as we’ve heard him insist.
When experts disagree with him, Trump won’t take their advice.
He thinks that he is always right, but we must pay the price.
What job is Donald fit to do? He’s worked in real estate.
When records were examined, they were in an awful state.
The way that Donald cooked his books gave auditors a chill.
And New York just sent Trump a half a billion-buck tax bill.
Trump can’t work well with others as his business dealings show.
That’s also true in politics, as NATO members know.
He says that they don’t pay their bills, a bit of irony,
For Donald doesn’t pay his bills: well-known for villainy.
Without redeeming features, how did Donald get this far?
(He fools and frightens people, doesn’t need to be a star.)
Exploiting greed and weakness, makes some folks do stupid things.
With competence not valued, cabbages may give us kings. (1)
(1) See “The Walrus and the Carpenter,” by Lewis Carroll