What did gals charge to have sex with Matt Gaetz?
And, were there standard Congressional rates?
Discount or surcharge for Trump loyalty?
And special rates by porn stars and Playmates?
Matt Gaetz was known for his Trump fealty.
Shared weaknesses made Gaetz a casualty.
General enmity made Matt resign.
Then Trump nominated him for AG.
Matt paying for sex, to Trump was benign.
And paying for drugs, for Donald, was fine.
To serve as AG, Matt’s kind of a man
Has qualities Trump did not find malign.
Since Trump saw no reason that he should ban
Gaetz from his Cabinet, what was Trump’s plan?
Matt is a Trumpist; does that mean that he,
Though clearly heinous, gets a mulligan? (1)
Trump got a mulligan; that’s because we
Gave him one more shot to rule by decree.
So why not give Matt Gaetz another chance;
(He’s not convicted of a felony.)
The actions of Gaetz, regarded askance,
For things that he did when he dropped his pants,
Though he’s not yet been convicted of crimes,
Poor Matt will not have a date to the dance.
1) A mulligan in golf is a “do-over” or second chance at a shot without penalty, typically used during casual play. While not an official rule in golf, it is commonly accepted among friends, especially after a poor tee shot.