What Dunning and Kruger’s research has to say (1)
About expertise is that we often may
Tend to overestimate our expertise
On most of the topics that we may survey.
When we overestimate our expertise,
Especially when wiser folks tend to decrease,
Their confidence in subjects they don’t know well,
Beware, lest mistaken ideas increase.
When faced with a subject that we don’t know well,
There’s something within us that still may compel
A comment or diatribe, facts don’t support,
And true experts quickly sniff the fecal smell.
Since most of what Donald says, facts don’t support,
When he’s campaigning or when he’s in court,
The Dunning and Kruger effect operates,
For Trump’s general data base is pretty short.
The Dunning and Kruger effect operates
On what Donald says on the stump or debates.
Statistics he quotes are made up on the spot,
That’s just how the Donald Trump brain cogitates.
All Donald Trump’s numbers, made up on the spot,
Or maybe when he’s enthroned on the pot,
Show he does not know what he’s talking about;
His self-proclaimed expertise is not so hot.
Does Donald not know what he’s talking about?
Or is he lying? Either way we should doubt
That Donald Trump has any true expertise,
Except, perhaps, fraud. (Donald is no boy scout.)
Though Donald Trump constantly claims expertise,
Asserting it daily on each press release,
Because Trump’s a narcissist, we all should note
The DK effect: Trump’s BS will not cease. (2)
(1) The Dunning, Kruger effect: see the complete discussion on Wikipedia. Perhaps the best descriptive phrase for this effect is, “Our ignorance of our own ignorance.” The less people know about a subject, the more they tend to inflate their knowledge and perceived performance in that area.
(2) The DK (Dunning Kruger) effect.