September 4, Donald Unhinged

A heavy door swinging on one loose hinge,
His instability should make us cringe.
He’s running once more to be president,
A campaign fueled by desire for revenge.

If Donald loses, he’ll get truculent
And stir his MAGAts to get violent.
And he will sue; votes won’t be certified,
For Trump will claim they must be fraudulent.

In his own mind, Donald is deified,
With narcissism, ego tumefied.
Election results may show that he lost,
But those are false facts that must be defied.

Trump’s speeches, word salad, thoroughly tossed,
Claim this election as his Pentecost,
We’ll all stand in awe and watch Trump ascend
Up from an electoral holocaust.

Like Demeter, we have watched Trump descend (1)
Down into Hades, to find laws to bend,
From whence Trump vows that he shall rise again,
But not in the Spring; this time at year’s end.

Trump’s MAGAt disciples will say, “Amen.”
For he’s their savior, elect among men.
Those who vote against him, or prosecute
Are destined for Trump’s revenge lion’s den.

There is no doubt Donald will persecute,
His perceived enemies; he’s resolute.
He’s made it quite clear that he’ll take revenge,
(And listed some he says he’d execute.)

Beware a door swinging on one loose hinge,
Appealing to voters out on the fringe:
The selfish rich, bigots, some normal folks.
Do you feel fires of hell starting to singe?

(1) Demeter, Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, who went into the Underworld in search of her daughter, Persephone, who had been abducted by Hades, king of the Underworld. When she emerges, plants grow. When she descends, they do not, thus explaining the seasons. Her Roman equivalent was Ceres, from whose name we get, “cereal.”