October 15, If You Knew Donald (parody of ‘If You Knew Susie – Like I Know Susie’)

There’s a former president named Donald.
In the words of Shakespeare, he’s a schmuck.
And most of you may think so too;
Don’t let him run amok.

If you knew Donald like I know Donald,
Oh, Oh, Oh, what a fraud!
His brain is lazy, his thoughts are hazy,
Oh, Oh, Holy Moley, Donald’s crazy!
Donald’s running, we hear him speak,
Don’t you notice that his brain is getting weak?
If you knew Donald, like I know Donald,
Oh, Oh, what a fraud!

Donald has a well-earned reputation,
For a business life of fraud and grift.
Dementia shows; each day it grows.
He’s a sick narcissist.

If you knew Donald like I know Donald,
Oh, Oh, Oh what a fraud!

When he’s campaigning, the lies come raining,
And we can see dementia gaining.
When campaigning, we hear him lie.
Speaking, tweeting, all he does is whine and cry.
If you knew Donald like I know Donald,
Oh, Oh, what a fraud!

(1) May be sung to “If You Knew Susie (Like I Know Susie)” by Buddy DeSylva and Joseph Meyer, first recorded by Eddie Cantor in 1925. Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly also recorded a version.