June 27, Kinky Friedman, May His Memory Be For a Blessing

Damn, Kinky Friedman died today
And you might say, not quite in time.
For he watched Texas in decay,
Stuck in Ted Cruz and Abbott slime.

Jew hatred’s once more on the rise,
A standard part of “Western Civ,”
Democracy may atomize,
So, how could Kinky Friedman live?

His Texas Jew Boys are long gone. (1)
Show biz may be the toughest game.
But Kinky’s catchy tunes live on, (2)
So, we’ll not soon forget his name.

I once met Kinky, shook his hand,
Two music lovers, fellow Jews.
A lot of fun, the Jew Boy band,
Their music skewered all taboos.

When Kinky sniffed a fecal smell
In daily life or politics,
He cut the shit with razor wit,
For Kinky just loved raising hell.

And Kinky’s mysteries were great; (3)
His books were lots of fun to read.
With lots of myths to desecrate,
He punctured every pompous creed.

So, Kinky Friedman… sad goodbye,
Someday, I must join you as well.
If there’s no place for us on High,
We’ll have a lot of friends in Hell.

(1) His band in the ‘70s was called “The Texas Jew Boys.”
(2) Check out, “They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore.”
(3) Kinky also sold over 6 million books of entertaining mysteries.