Their moms and dads working, their children are students
But Donald Trump says they are threatening you.
They’ve come for asylum from crime and starvation;
Their children came with them; what else could they do?
They work on our farms and they work in our factories;
They work for low wages as we exploit them.
They’re undocumented, a source of cheap labor,
And when Trump gives speeches, they’re fodder for him.
Say, “Hola!” to Juan and “Hola!” Rosalita,
“Tenemos trabajo,” Jesus y Maria.
But we also tell them, “No eres bienvenido.”
So, if you come in you may leave deportees.
Now Trump’s sending troops down to our southern border
To stop all the brown folks, who want to cross there.
Some white folks from Europe have overstayed visas;
But Trump’s plans ignore them; he just doesn’t care.
Is it, “Adios, Juan, adios, Rosalita.”
Or, “Tenemos trabajo,” Jesus y Maria?
Will they handcuff you, and put you on an airplane,
And show you on TV as Trump’s deportees?
They’re raiding your houses and farms and your factories.
And now raiding churches and even our schools.
No freedom to live or to work or to worship.
No freedom to study: the point is: be cruel.
So, “Adios, Juan, adios Rosalita,”
“No tenemos trabajo,” Jesus y Maria.
“No eres bienvenido,” “Get on the airplane.”
And all we will say is “Goodbye, deportee.”