December 22, Donald, the Autocratic (parody of ‘Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer’)

Donald, the autocratic,
Has an ever longer nose.
Liberals all give him static,
Watching his wealth as it grows.

All of the plutocratic
Know that Donald covets cash.
So, it seems automatic
To kick some into his stash.

Since we have elected Trump,
Elon Musk’s attached,
Telling what to keep or dump,
Elon’s chutzpah is unmatched.

Since Trump is narcissistic;
Do we see a brewing fight?
Though Elon is fascistic,
Donald needs the whole spotlight.

(1) Sing to “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer,” published, 1949, by Johnny Marks. Made famous by Gene Autry in his 1949 recording.